My interest in health and wellbeing started in the early 90’s when I discovered I had a natural ability to feel where it hurt in someone’s body and that I could help them feel better.
I started my professional training, initially as a chiropractor in the early 2000’s, and qualified as an osteopath in 2008. Since then I have completed post graduate training in cranial osteopathy and western acupuncture.
I have also trained in shiatsu and zero balancing which have their origins in Chinese medicine. I am currently studying somatic movement to become a qualified Feldenkrais practitioner.
For a number of years I worked for a medical charity that provided support to people with Chronic Fatigue/M.E. so I have an understanding of the challenges faced by those suffering from chronic pain.
I believe there are two key elements to my treatment approach that lead to the success I have with my patients. The first is my ability to feel where it hurts in your body and to be able to empathise with the pain that you are feeling. The second is that I am passionate about finding a way to make you feel better. My aim from a treatment is that you leave the appointment better than when you arrived.
I am registered with the General Osteopathic Council and a member of the Institute of Osteopathy, the Shiatsu Society, British Medical Acupuncture Society, and the Zero Balancing Association.